Send a Smile – Virtually!
An exciting new way to send a shoebox gift to a person in need!
For nearly three decades we have been able to send shoebox gifts to people in great need around the world. These practical expressions of Christ’s love bring so much joy to those who receive them and the shoebox scheme continues unchanged.
Our new ‘Virtual Shoebox’ scheme enables you to select the age group, gender and continent of the person who will receive your gift box or bag.
You make a donation, which funds a gift that is packed full of useful and fun items by our local in-country teams, and given to a person living in poverty. This scheme helps to support local economies in the countries where we work. In areas where we have a ‘Hands of Dorcas’ tailoring project, fabric bags may be made by trainees to pack gifts in.
Follow this link to find out more! Virtual Shoeboxes – International Aid Trust
Who will you send a virtual shoebox to?