‘Thirty Three Years Supporting Ukraine’ An Evening of Music and Dance – Friday 20th September

 Friday 20th September, 7pm

At Crossgate Church

Tickets £10

 Doors open 6.30pm for complimentary light refreshments and stalls, concert starts 7.00pm

Crossgate Church, St Mary’s Street North, Preston, PR1 5LG

Please join us for a very special evening with music and dance for and from Ukraine, Featuring: ‘Radist’ Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble, traditional Ukrainian music and songs, local Lancashire singer songwriters and musicians, and an update from Rev. Bernard Cocker on International Aid Trust’s work in Ukraine.

To reserve tickets, please email julie@internationalaidtrust.org.uk

Tickets can be paid for by bank transfer to International Aid Trust:

Royal Bank of Scotland,  

Sort Code: 16 28 16,

Account Number: 10075885,

please use ref: Concert 20 09

Via PayPal:  using this link https://bit.ly/3yNxmMW

or scan the QR code below

Or with cash at our office or warehouse.

Warehouse move!

We have now moved to our new warehouse!

The address is: International Aid Trust, Briery Lane, Off Blackgate Lane, Tarleton, Preston, Lancs. PR4 6UU.

Opening times: Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm, Saturday: 9am – 12 noon

Telephone 01772 619888


Rev. Bernard Cocker, our CEO & Founder, has just returned from visiting our team in Ukraine, where he received a prestigious award from Ukrainian military leaders, on behalf of all the charity’s supporters.


Rev. Bernard Cocker, our CEO & Founder, has just returned from visiting our team in Ukraine, where he received a prestigious award from Ukrainian military leaders, on behalf of all the charity’s supporters.

You can read more about the award here : International Aid Trust Press Release Ukraine Award

Or view the presentation of the medal and a message of thanks here: Award from Military Leaders in Ukraine – YouTube

This award has also been covered by BBC North West, you can read about here: Chorley charity gets award from Ukraine military leaders – BBC News or view on BBC i-Player.



latest videos from Ukraine

Rev. Bernard Cocker and Pastors Pasha and Ruslan send their thanks to supporters as they distribute shoebox gifts and share God’s love with internally displaced people staying in Kobleve

Pastor Andrei and team share how the aid sent from the UK is helping them to support people practically and spiritually; ‘It is only when we meet in heaven that you will see what a treasure you have been to us.”

Christmas letter 2023

Dear Friends & Supporters

Its Christmas once again, the time of the year when we remember the birth of Jesus as he left His heavenly throne to bring peace and joy to all mankind. Sadly, as we look around the world, and here in the UK, we see that His message of loving your neighbours has not been received or accepted by so many people and nations. The truth is, that the greatest problem in this hurting world is that of unbelief in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

Just imagine, if we loved our neighbours and treated everyone the same, no jealousy, greed, or unforgiveness. No looking down on the less fortunate. Jesus only ever looked down on people with compassion. He looked down on Jerusalem and wept, he looked down from the cross and said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” He looked down on the women caught in adultery and said, “your sins are forgiven, sin no more.”  In Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

You have helped us with your practical support and prayers, and it is making a huge difference around the world. Let us continue to remember and emulate His compassion this Christmas, and into 2024.

Do not be afraid to share your faith, your compassion, and in doing this you will be planting the seeds of His love. This world needs “Good News” and the best news of all is that he came to save this hurting world.

Thank you for your prayers, your aid, your shoe boxes, your financial support, your encouragement, and your faith in us.

On behalf of the people we serve.

Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year

Much love and blessings 


Rev. Bernard Cocker

CEO and Founder


Tribute to Colin Crawforth, Trustee

It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Dr Colin Crawforth, who has been part of International Aid Trust for nearly twenty years. We thank God for Colin’s life, faith and service. Please pray with us for Colin’s wife Denise, daughter Nicky and family. Read on for a tribute from our CEO & Founder, Rev. Bernard Cocker, and a link to tributes from the Rossendale area, where Colin served as mayor, as a local councillor and in many other ways.

Colin’s funeral service will be held at 12.30 St Pauls Church, Rawtenstall, followed cremation at  Burnley.


“We were all sad when we heard that Colin had has passed away after a long illness. Colin and his wife Denise first came to us in January 2004 in response to our appeal after the Tsunami in Southeast Asia. Colin soon became a trustee, helping to raise funds, aid, and awareness for our overseas ministry. This was soon followed by visits to Ukraine where he quickly fell in love with the country and its people. For the last nineteen years Colin has been a much-loved friend to many and real asset to International Aid Trust. Before Colin’s health deteriorated, he was spending one day a week in the office where I called him ‘Mr Grumpy’, his humour and love was infectious. Even when Colin’s health deteriorated he was very supportive, He read my WhatsApp updates every day and was forever complementing me on them, when I thought that perhaps I was posting too much he reassured me. Colin had a very strong faith and he lived by it. You have gone to a better place Colin, but we will all miss you.”

Rev. Bernard Cocker, CEO & Founder


Rossendale: Tributes after death of former mayor Dr Colin Crawforth https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/23952889.rossendale-tributes-death-former-mayor-dr-colin-crawforth/?shem=ssusba


Mission Vision 2023


Vision Mission Moldova

The International Aid Trust Vision Mission has recently blessed over a thousand people with improved eyesight, thanks to all the second spectacles you have kindly donated!

Read the full story here: http://bit.ly/49aQwK4

Follow this link for more information about the difference previous Vision Mission visits to Ukraine and Sierra Leone have made: https://bit.ly/478FvqG


new glasses for Maria!
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