Ukraine Appeal – latest update – Saturday 26th March 2022

A huge thank you for all your support for the people of Ukraine at this difficult time.

Your kind practical and financial donations mean that we have now sent 10 (!) articulated lorries full of desperately needed aid, some to our team in Ukraine, some to our trusted Christian partners working with refugees in surrounding countries. It’s wonderful to see this aid arriving and being quickly distributed – and the dedication of our teams on the ground to serving those in need, despite the dangers to themselves.

Here is a video update from Rev. Bernard Cocker, (CEO and Founder) filmed at the warehouse a few days ago

Here is a link to an email update with more detail about the current situation 

We continue to need donations of food, medical supplies, toiletries, shoes and sleeping bags. We are working hard to sort and pack all the clothes and bedding already donated, so ask for no more of these items for another couple of weeks please.

Thank you very much to everyone who has volunteered at our warehouse recently in response to the Ukraine Appeal, your sorting, packing, stacking, brewing up etc. is greatly appreciated! Here are a few photos from the past few weeks and please follow this link to hear what some of our volunteers have to say:

Would you like to join the team? We will be continuing to sort and send aid for as long as needed, Monday to Friday 10am  – 4pm, We also welcome groups from churches, businesses etc. please email or text Julie on 07502 055109 if you would like to come along.

Thank you for your prayer, children and staff from our Living Hope School in India and New Hope School in Sierra Leone have also been praying for their brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

Please pray with us for peace and an end to the war, please pray for God to sustain our teams in Ukraine as they serve, please pray for all who have had to leave their homes, for all sheltering underground, may they know God’s love and help.




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